Friday, September 16, 2011


So yeah, we already have sound to Morsal Kombat's trailer - and we will probably release it soon, along with the full movie, yay!

Annnnd, your truly is looking for a job at the moment, so here goes first pass of my animation demoreel! I am planning to animate some more scenes to it in the near future.
Mh, check it out:

I also had to make some changes to the blog layout, as the widescreen custom-sized video was blowing the old layout up :P

1 comment:

  1. Mh, zgadlem zakonczenie :D! Fajnie, ja te animacje znam i lubie, teraz tylko.. mh, we want more :P! Moze jakis lipsynek gdzies by tam pomiedzy dorzucic? ;) 11secclub jest w kazdym miesiacu, wiec.. ;)
